
Moulin Rouge was finally released on DVD here in Finland. Watched it. Loved it. Of course you would have to know the songs, but I did and thus loved the movie. The DVD-extras were also interesting. Baz Luhrmann seems to focus on the right things an cares for his movies deeply. Everything seems right in this movie.
I'm hitting myself on the head for not watching this movie in a theatre. But the trailers looked kinda cheesy. They were very misleading. (Hmm... I may want to see Romeo and Juliet now... didn't like its trailer either.)


The Universe is 13-14 billion years old. BBC.


Joel is getting better with words. In the last week or so, he has managed to speak the following words clearly enough for me (and Tuija) to recognize. In finnish of course.

Valo - Va'lo - "Light", this is his best word
Auto - Au-ty / Au(-to) - "Car", a popular word too
Lamppu - Lam(-puu) - "Lamp"
Auki - Au'(-ki) - "Open"
Äiti - Äi-Ti - "Mother"
(...list still incomplete)

He likes to grab my finger and lead me to a place where he needs my help. Like switching the light on, opening doors, etc. With a small bench he manages to switch the lights on and off by himself too tho. He has become very agile in the last month. He can even run short distances.

He hates brushing his 6 teeth.


John Hiler wrote an article about Borg Journalism. Weblogs are the new Borg. When you share an idea, someone else picks up on it, and extrapolates it further. Meaning you can't own ideas. It's painful, but sounds very healthy for humanity. John continues with Resistance is Futile. I will be Assimilated.
The Borg Meme spreads.


Some blogging-related resources I use frequently:
Blogdex: Tracks what pages are popular among bloggers
Daypop: Search news and blog sites
Blogger: For doing you own blog (I use it)


Gregory Benford met Stephen Hawking and wrote about it.


Just finished watching Neon Genesis Evangelion. The last few episodes really turned the whole series around. I'm still (after several hours) trying to piece the story and its meaning together. I just love Anime that does that. Kinda like Serial Experiments Lain did. Good pages for analyzing the story: Evangelion.com and The Eva Sage (major spoiler warning! Do not enter unless you've seen the series in full). And here is Google's directory.

And as it happens, LAtimes.com has reviewed the Evangelion seriers. And Slashdot is all over it.


An interesting article on latimes.com titled Press Play to Access the Future. The DVD format has even changed the way movies are made - many directors are considering the DVD version at early film making stages. Also viewers have become much more interested in various extras. Slashdot is also joining the discussion.
Reminds of Ebert's Idea I posted earlier.


Clay Shirky writes about Communities, Audiences, and Scale. Could software join small communities and large audiences? No.
"Can we have a medium that spreads messages to a large audience, but also allows all the members of that audience to engage with one another like a community?" The answer seems to be "No."

As group size grows, the number of connections required between people in the group exceeds human capacity to make or even keep track of them all.

...humans are only adapted for social group sizes of around 150 or less, a size that shows up in a number of traditional societies.

A good and insightful article. I sort of knew the answer already, but haven't bothered to analyze the reasons. Thanks Clay.


James knows where I live. (PS. Spread the word.)


Some April's Fools links I liked:
And to round the list off: The Top Ten April Fool's Day Hoaxes of All Time.