
Pinseri on Suomalainen blogi, joka mm. kerää listaa muista Suomalaisista blogeista. En taida vielä liittyä, kun päivitysväli on hieman pitkä ja kielikin Englanti.

Toinen Suomalainen näyttäisi olevan Suodatin. Ja tuolta löytyy aika monta linkkiä muihin Suomalaisiin blogeihin.

Ja Janne Aukialla näyttäisi olevan oma listansa Suomi-blogeista.
Mark Pilgrim has an ecellent series called "30 days to a more accessible weblog". It provides a few user profiles and then gives practical advice on how to make you website more accessible to them. Great stuff.


At 1 years 5 months, Joel has the following vocabulary. Finnish words, margin of error about +-4 words.
Minä, anna, isi, äiti, kakka, tutti, takki, lapio, pallo, valo, mummi, pappa, Aatu, kenkä, hattu, ikkuna, video, avaa, pois, ei/ei saa, auto, tukka, pää, nenä, peppu, popo, nalle, hauva, keinu, vauhtia, kiitos, hyppää, amme, ankka, kakku, lamppu, kirja, Anni, päälle, kukka, puu, talo, mennään, piippaa, tuut-tuut.
Thats about 45 words. Most popular words emphasized.


I've heard good things about Broken Saints. So I'm gonna recommend the link based on the impressive trailer alone. It's a 24 part story using flash animation.


An interesting article about Mice, Apes and Men.
Explaining why humans are not naked apes, why chimpanzee social structures tell us almost nothing about their human equivalents, and why there are no "alpha males" in human society.

It has some interesting points, and the comments add to the article. It could have been more critical about itself, but the article is still an interesting read. For some reason this evolution stuff is tickling my mind and it's a joy to read other (new) views on the issue.


Someone has been collecting insultingly stupid movie physics with Slashdot comments.


Joel is getting better with words:
- Lihapiirakka (meat pie)
- Voileipä (sandwich)
I doubt - when heard out of context - that his words would sound right, but when in contect, they sound very good. The right rythm and melody.


Kuro5sin has a good article about Superstring Theory. For the last year or so I've been trying to visualize/understand a quantum universe and its implications. Damn hard :). Right now it feels very much like a digital "simulation". Our universe is basically a huge information repository (quantum) with some set of rules of modifying the data - this could be done in a computer. Is it possible to examine the limits of our universe and maybe transfer information "outside"...?

Thinking obout stuff like this terribly fascinating.


I've just finished watching two season of Crest of the Stars, an anime TV series.

I love it.

It begins slowly, and still after several episodes I wasn't sure if I would continue to watch. Glad I did. The series manages to build a sense of a populated galaxy and the infrastucture of it. But the part I liked best: the space battles. After presenting the rules of the universe, the series shows us believable battles between space ships. Mines and torpedoes for long range destruction, energy weapons for short range. Supply requirements are honored (fuel runs out) and big ships can take a lot of beating before blowing up. The maps used to show the overview of the battles are well done and provide a very good sense of how the battle is progressing (only 2-D, but I'm not complaining).

It reminds me A LOT of the Honor Harrington series I love so much. A well crafted universe, an easy to understand way of travelling FTL, and well thought out strategies of space battles that sound plausible.

Crest of the Stars doesn't try to explain the meaning of life, but it's serious (characters don't make funny faces) and provides loads of entertainment and I rank it as one of the better animes out there. Top 10 stuff.

Here's another opinion.


Pop! - pop! - pop! - - - pop music.

A red balloon, a green balloon, ....

Looking at the sea.

The sandbox experience.

Me with Joel riding a spring-bike.

The doorway.

Having fun with a towel.
Time for a picture update of Joel. Seven new images coming up.
I like the way the Multibrowser Bar allows me to browse the web. Excellent tool.