I finally managed to get my own domain: www.oliverw.net. I'll be moving this stuff over there in a few days and close the pages hosted at blogspot and blogger. Blogger is fabulous, but I craved for more.
I'll propably leave my entries at blogspot around for a while with a notice that it's also elsewhere. After all google has a pretty good index of it. Since I don't have any incoming links, the move should be fairly easy.
I'll propably leave my entries at blogspot around for a while with a notice that it's also elsewhere. After all google has a pretty good index of it. Since I don't have any incoming links, the move should be fairly easy.
The moon hoax claims must be familiar to many. I just saw an episode of The Planets (ep. 4), and it shows NASA re-creating a rather large portion of the moon. The blew up a part of a desert to simulate the craters of the moon. This would familiarize the astronauts to the environment. If some passer by would see this, it might create some confusion. My guess is it did, and the rumours were originally based on such sightings.
Btw the movie For All Mankind is fantastic. It's about the first moon landings. The movie itself is of bad quality and cut from very old material... but it does have one argument not many movies can claim... the movie ends with the words "...filmed on location". (Still makes me shiver.)
Btw the movie For All Mankind is fantastic. It's about the first moon landings. The movie itself is of bad quality and cut from very old material... but it does have one argument not many movies can claim... the movie ends with the words "...filmed on location". (Still makes me shiver.)
More amazing stuff: Nanometer-Scale Light Source. They made a lightsource with 2-8 silver atoms.
Soon we will have all kinds of nano machines available. Too weird. When I was a kid this stuff was in science fiction and it's feels really weird to see it in real life.
I wonder if we can harness sub-quantum structures in some way. Like having a super computer the size of an atom. Or transferring an AI through an atom size wormhole.
Soon we will have all kinds of nano machines available. Too weird. When I was a kid this stuff was in science fiction and it's feels really weird to see it in real life.
I wonder if we can harness sub-quantum structures in some way. Like having a super computer the size of an atom. Or transferring an AI through an atom size wormhole.
"Etelä-Suomen Kerrostalokyttääjät ry. on vuonna 1965 perustettu järjestö, joka valvoo ns. "kyttääjien" etuja. Kyttääjät ovat tunnollisia kansalaisia, jotka valvovat vapaa-aikanaan kerrostalossa naapuriensa elämää ja taloyhtiön järjestystä."
I just couldn't stay away from the latest craze. Here's the genealogy tree of Oliver Weinitschke Blog.
Tuntuu hieman hassulta kirjoitella välillä Suomeksi, kun on oikeastaan käyttänyt vain Englantia. Mutta osa tutuista osaa vain Englantia. Mutta toisaalta suurempi osaa osaa Suomea. Ja toisaalta jos tästä sattuisi olemaan iloa isommalle yleisölle, olisi Englanti kivempi.
Mutta ei tämä oikeasti paljoa murehdituta. Kirjoitan jollakin kielellä ja siirrän vastuun lukijalle.
Tuli vaan mieleen kun luin tommipommia (1.8.).
Mutta ei tämä oikeasti paljoa murehdituta. Kirjoitan jollakin kielellä ja siirrän vastuun lukijalle.
Tuli vaan mieleen kun luin tommipommia (1.8.).
I am an abstract sort of creature, who dislikes any sort of restraint. If you try to pigeonhole me, I'll break the box, and come back for more. I don't have any particular ambitions, I just drift, but I am adept at keeping life going along. What Video Game Character Are You?
It would appear that our brain has a builtin circuit for detecting cheats. New Scientist and Brain's 'cheat detector' is revealed.
Part of the human brain is dedicated to detecting cheats, say evolutionary psychologists, after a study with a brain-damaged man.
"Drink several glasses of water daily." I've heard this advice too from various sources. It's apparently a myth. Dave Harris writes about it in his blog. The news itself was found in American Journal of Physiology.
The american version of this myth has apparently a lot more details. Like it's 8 x 8oz daily, and that it does not include other drinks (like soda).
Of course you should try it yourself and see what amount of water does you good. For many drinking water has definite positive effects.
The american version of this myth has apparently a lot more details. Like it's 8 x 8oz daily, and that it does not include other drinks (like soda).
Of course you should try it yourself and see what amount of water does you good. For many drinking water has definite positive effects.
Don't Link to Us! is a blog about sites that would like to prohibit links to their site and/or pages.
Thanks for the link, visakopu.
Thanks for the link, visakopu.
Lai Lai Boy wrote a summary about Anime and its history called "Anime: A Primer". And yes, most of the Studio Ghibli movies are really that good. Currently there are 3 Ghibli movies on the IMDB top 10 (of 50) all time Animation movies: Mononoke Hime, Grave of the Fireflies and Spirited Away. I can also recommend Tonari no Totoro (ranking: 15) - a movie I've seen already several times and expect to see again and again. Read Roger Eberts review.
BAEN is selling the next Honor Harrington book "War of Honor" with a CD-ROM included. It has 22 complete novels on it - including the previous Harrington books. Unencrypted.
Excellent idea and I'll be ordering the book soon. Mainly because I just love the Harrington series. The CD is an excellent bonus, even if books are kinda tiresome to read on an iPaq.
I've read two books an a bunch of arcticles on my iPaq. It's not that bad actually. The screen is great and easy to read, but:
- I occasionally lost a bookmark. Keeping track of the position you are reading is sometimes difficult. The page numbers aren't real and making a real bookmark requires a bit of typing.
- The screen should be bigger
- iPaq should have a better battery. With backlight I get almost 2 hours, which is a bit short.
I picked up the news from Slashdot.
Excellent idea and I'll be ordering the book soon. Mainly because I just love the Harrington series. The CD is an excellent bonus, even if books are kinda tiresome to read on an iPaq.
I've read two books an a bunch of arcticles on my iPaq. It's not that bad actually. The screen is great and easy to read, but:
- I occasionally lost a bookmark. Keeping track of the position you are reading is sometimes difficult. The page numbers aren't real and making a real bookmark requires a bit of typing.
- The screen should be bigger
- iPaq should have a better battery. With backlight I get almost 2 hours, which is a bit short.
I picked up the news from Slashdot.
A beautiful view about Nokia R&D "Nokia's Hit Factory" by Business2.0. Well Nokia did do amazing stuff a few years back... but the next generation of mobile devices seem to be more difficult for them. Check out the reader comments at the end.
Löytyipä eräänä päivänä uutisryhmästä sfnet.keskustelu.lapset: Koulun järjestyssäännöt vuodelta 1913. Tässä koko viesti:
Jumala on rakkaus
Velvollisuus, Kohteliaisuus ja Säädyllisyys
Osoita kuuliaisuutta, kunnioitusta ja avuliaisuutta vanhempiasi ja vanhempia sisaruksiasi kohtaan! Käyttäydy niin, että tuotat kaikille iloa kodissasi!
Osoita kuuliaisuutta ja kunnioitusta opettajia ja opettajattaria kohtaan! Noudata koulun järjestysohjeita! Älä hutiloi työssäsi. Istu hiljaa ja tarkkaavaisena lukutunnilla! Ole ahkera! Älä anna koskaan toverisi viattomasti kärsiä rangaistusta sinun tähtesi, sillä sellainen menettely on sekä pelkurimaista että häpeällistä!
Tervehdi kunnioittavasti ja kohteliaasti koulun opettajia, opettajattaria ja kaikkia, joille olet velvollinen osoittamaan kohteliaisuutta! Älä kirjoittele seinille, penkeille tai muille esineille! Älä käytä katukäytävää leikkipaikkana! Vältä väentungoksia! Älä tee pilaa vanhoista, rammoista tai juopuneista, vaan auta heitä, jos he ovat avun tarpeessa! Vältä sopimatonta huutamista ja kirkumista!
Istu hiljaa valitsemallasi paikalla rautatievaunussa! Älä juokse vaunusta toiseen, äläkä oleskele vaunusillalla! Älä astu junaan äläkä siitä pois sen liikkeellä ollessa! Se voi aikaansaada mitä arveluttavampia onnettomuuksia. Älä puhu kovalla äänellä vaunussa! Se häiritsee muita matkustavaisia. Noudata myös höyrylaivoilla ja muilla kulkuneuvoilla varovaisuutta ja osoita kohteliasta käytöstä!
Älä istu kyynärpäät pöytää vasten! Älä puhu kun ruokaa on suussa, se on epäkohteliasta.
Ole ystävällinen äläkä riidanhaluinen ja muista, että viisas antaa myöden. Älä tee pilkkaa tovereistasi!
Kun ruumissaatto tai muu juhlallinen kulkue menee ohi leikin aikana, niin keskeytä leikki, siksi kun saatto tahi kulkue on mennyt ohitse!
Ole aina rehellinen, totuutta rakastava, järjestystä ja säntillisyyttä harrastava! Älä koskaan panettele toista! Nouse seisomaan, kun vanhempia henkilöitä astuu sisään, ja pyydä heitä istumaan! Älä unhota sanoa: "olkaa hyvä", kun annat jotakin, ja kiittää, kun saat jotakin! Älä keskeytä toisen puhetta! Älä koskaan syljeksi lattialle tai katukäytävälle! Älä koskaan hauku ketään! Älä kiroile! Ole kohtelias ja auttavainen sekä vanhoja että nuoria, niin hyvin rikkaita kuin köyhiäkin kohtaan! Pidä ruumiisi puhtaana sekä vaatteesi puhtaina ja ehyinä!
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